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January 2012

How to Sauna or do Heat Therapy

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Sauna is the best way to detox, heal many illness. Is known to shrink cancer tumors and has side benefits.  Sauna is a great way to get rid of cellulite, lose weight, de-stress and have beautiful skin.  I got rid of all of my blemishes and cellulite from doing sauna therapy for my health.  All of the money you can spend in spas and on creams will never match the sauna. Health is beauty.  Decide to spend that extra time on yourself and you will learn to relish the relaxing sauna time.  In the long run, it will save you time and money and give you vibrant

health and beauty.  I have not been doing sauna  for a year and it shows!!!!}Read More »How to Sauna or do Heat Therapy