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Amalgam Removal, Mercury Toxicity and Mercury Detox

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Mercury Detox!
Mercury amalgam fillings are made up of almost 50% mercury which is one of the most toxic substances known to man. Mercury vapors are released from these fillings 24/7 and the act of chewing releases even more of these toxic fumes.  Mercury causes neurological problems, emotional problems, digestive problems, heart disease, fatigue, hearing loss, birth defects, cancer and is a contributor or cause of most degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, MCS, CFS, impotence, infertility, arthritis, and Parkinson’s.

Most chronic medical conditions, or even the lack of optimum health, can usually be linked to chemical or heavy metal toxicity and poor gut health.  Mercury is one of the major contributing factors to Leaky Gut Syndrome.  The toxins damage the digestive system (which is where we get nutrition from our food) where the immune system is and where most neurotransmitters are located. It’s the toxins in the gut that are causing so many problems.

I was already 75% better when I had my mercury amalgams removed by a biological dentist.  So, this means that if you can’t afford this right now, your body can still heal. Well, mine did.  Reading about mercury can be frightening.  I worried about mine for years and had some removed earlier (for amalgam replacements), where I probably swallowed lots of the mercury.  I have seen Ayurveda doctor eat Mercury in one video.  So, its something you want to take care of ASAP, but don’t get frightened by the internet stories.  I had quite a few and one large one that tasted like metal on and off for years.  I imagine that this was one of the contributing factors to my toxic burden which caused Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).


When you get your filling removed, make sure it’s done by a qualified professional.  They are called Biological Dentists. (Click on sidebar image for more info or visit my article on  Mercury Amalgam Removal) They don’t have fillers or use epinephrine in their novocain, they use porcelain and only nontoxic materials in the replacement amalgam.  Composite fillings contain BPA and other toxic materials.

I had mine done one or two at a time as I could afford it.

I Googled lots about mercury amalgams and even the dangers of root canals and sufficiently worked myself up into state of fear over it.  Some cancer therapies, such as Hulda Clark, first get rid of your amalgams, then pull out your root canals and bad teeth as the first step in the treatment.  This is the internet, and while that may be a good thing, we can’t be sure. My reasoning is that there are plenty of healthy old people with mercury fillings, so strive to be one of those if you can’t take care of it yet.

Stress releases toxic cortisol and other harmful chemicals into your body, so try not to worry.  Reading about toxins and detoxing can be depressing and scary, being informed yet relaxed and positive is part of the detox recovery dance.

That being said, here is a very interesting case of a guy whose MCS was instantly cured when he had his metal amalgams out.  Apparently, the cure was from removing different kinds of metal in his mouth that were causing some kind of electrical issue.


Mercury takes a long time to be detoxed from the body!  Keep up with your regular detox program which should include glutathione, sauna, coffee enema, metal detoxes like cilantro and chlorella, Vitamin C, and lipoic acid. You need all kinds of nutrients and support for detoxing.  Don’t just take a ton of cilantro if your health is very delicate.  It is powerful and toxins can be released, only to find a new home somewhere else in your body, making you tired and ill in the process!  Make sure you have as many channels of elimination open, like plenty of quality water, coffee enema, sauna, etc.. makes for responsible detoxing.  The more toxic you are, the more careful you need to be.  I think the coffee enema should be practiced with any detoxifying agents, so you can get those poisons out fast.

Protocol for Mercury Amalgam Removal

There is a process that requires masks, fume vacuum, chlorella and dental dam. Don’t let just anyone do this. Mercury was never meant to be ingested into the body!

Every day more and more health-conscious people are getting their mercury amalgam fillings removed and replaced with healthier alternatives.  However, they are subjecting themselves to even more toxic exposure by having these fillings removed improperly and without the proper precautions being taken.  Therefore, it is imperative that your dental practitioner follow  protocols to protect you.


Dentists are said to have an unusually high suicide rate! It must be the neurotoxicity of the mercury they work with!

I don’t eat much fish.  Sadly, I think its too high a risk for intoxication.  However, my bio dentist says if you do eat fish, take a little chlorella beforehand; This will bind the metals and other toxins to the chlorella and you will poop it out.

In the non-industrialized countries many people live their whole lives with no cavities! Something to think about!

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