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Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

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Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? HSP


Highly Sensitive People
Highly Sensitive People

#MCS or chemical sensitivity is associated with other areas of sensitivity. Many of us are also empath, healer, clairvoyant. We are sensitive to many things that others can not perceive. I realize that many of our problems are from being too open and too sensitive.It occurred to me that being stuck in the house was a bit of a protection from all of the sensory and energetic input in the world. In my Yoga/Meditation/Visualization classes I do an energy seal to keep my own energy and not be so easily changed or removed by outside influences. My mind/body classes are full of MCS magical sensitive people. There is a reason we can’t go out into the world. Beside the chemicals, we are sensitive to all kinds of energies and are not sufficiently protected.
Sure MCS is a condition of the liver and toxicity, but for me, it was much more than that. In order to heal up really well I have delved into all kinds of energetic healing and understanding of what it is to be a highly sensitive person. I learn to protect myself and pull out all of the magic that was lying beneath my Chemical Sensitivity / Electromagnetic Sensitivity. I went to shaman school and learned new modalities of energy healing. I used to be evangelical Christian healer. ( I still love Jesus BTW).

Test yourself and start to notice things. I can feel the difference between 2 different rocks. I can feel the essence of things, absorb other people’s emotions, send energy out to people. This was my MCS journey. Looking back I can see that I was never made for the dog eat dog world and must find ways to honor my own nature. Start to look at and understand how you might be very sensitive, really like a precious vase that needs lots of care and soft environments!

Also, I do remote healing and other energy work. Join my yoga/mind classes for just $50 month! There is great brain retraining and energy work we do!! Its easy and fun! Its bliss and joy! Many MCS who have come here have received miraculous improvement, as well as getting fit!

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