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Myelin Sheaths protect the Nerves- MCS/MS/EMF and nerve issues and the case for fats

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Myelin Sheaths protect the nerves.  It is said there is Myelin damage in MCS and also MS. This make sense because what bothers my MCS are inhaled neurotoxins (synthetic ‘fragrances’, exhaust etc).  I also became sensitive to sound and Electricity and Radio waves. (EMFs). Rrazzled nerves, facial twitches and anxiety were also present when I encountered the toxins. When I had moderate MCS, first symptom of a reaction was sudden irritability. My smile would suddenly turn upside down.

One more reason why MCS is a nightmare, when I was having a reaction and needed help the most, I was not able to communicate as a ‘nice person’ but as an angry stressed out Fem. Even when I tried to be nice, my whole demeanor was in irrational ‘why are you people doing this to me’ mode.  Even non MCS people walk around grouchy and they don’t realize that its their own laundry detergent damaging their nerves and mood!

Myelin Sheaths are mostly made of Lipids (fats). When I was sick, my body wanted bacon, (uncured and natural, of course). I listened to my body and fed it. I still have nothing against bacon, but my body is not asking for it. Beside all of the B vitamins that are in meat, the actual fats are good for you. I don’t agree with a low fat diet, unless your body has a difficult time to process the fats. [the good fats are from meat, coconut, avocado, olives, nuts. Bad fats are Hydrogenated, corn, soy, canola,vegetable etc]. My body still likes plenty of grass fed butter and some beef fat here and there. Also like plenty of coconut oil and olive oil.

The brain is very fatty, The Myelin sheaths which protect the nerves are fatty. It makes sense that healthy fats are needed to repair them. This is just common sense and not something I have expertise on.

Unless you are wealthy, you will not be able to afford enough grass fed fats to overdo it. Eating organic and grass fed, you can’t afford to over-eat!

I have always been surrounded by vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists. They were every healthy and I know that is the best diet for them. I sometimes tried going raw or veg, but I was hungry, sluggish and irritable. Ask your body what kind of diet it needs, learn to listen to what it wants. All bodies are different. I am in awe of my dear 75 year old neighbor who can smoke and drink and eat fried food. I am envious, truth be told. I have a hard time just walking past the smoke in the hall by her door!

Sometimes I wonder if 20 years of a low fat diet, didn’t contribute to my condition. I was vegetarian from 13-23 years old and from about 20 on was on a very low fat diet as I had been a chubby teen and was concerned with being thin and was an animal lover.

If you don’t eat meat or if you do, make sure you get enough B vitamins for the nervous system.

For the past several years. I eat any fats I want and no processed sugar and not too much other sugars or too many carbs and my body is happy with that.

I eat all the fats I want and am not fat, I have much more energy that I did when I was 25. I eat grass fed animal fats and it would cost too much to over eat! Lots of people have ideas about diet. This is mine. I think that as long a it is whole natural food its good for eating. In 2012, I gave up wheat, but did it when I was ready. They say its neurotoxic, bad for the immune system and makes you fat. I have not had a huge health change since stopping it, but feel it is right for me.

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