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Getting sick from chemicls has made me an even harder core environmentalist nature lover; and how the internet will save the Earth!

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Having become extrememly ill with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and studying toxins for a few years now in order to recover, has made me a staunch environmentalist. I was one before, but now the stories about people and animals getting sick elsewhere is my own story. I was eating organic when I got sick, but the accumulated toxins from a life which included toxic art materials, living in Mexico City in my 20’s, acrylic nails etc ~added up.

Having been forced to study chemicals in order to survive, I learned that we are in contact with thousands of toxic chemicals. They are in virtually every product that you eat, touch and breathe. There are dangerous toxins in your clothes, your ‘composite’ dental fillings (not to mention mercury fillings), and the wires in your computer are off gassing toxic plastics.

I rid my life of all toxins and plastics that I could and gradually  pay ever higher prices  for  non-toxic products. I have recovered about 90% and feel confident in my toxic level and body’s ability to process chemicals.  I am no longer afraid for my life. Having adjusted my economy to make non-toxic living a priority, I am happy to pay for the glass and the non-toxic products. I feel good about it. I feel happy that I am contributing to a cleaner world and a healthier future for all.

In my research I have had to face just how much this planet has suffered from things most people think are fine. Like how Round-up is polluting the oceans and making us ill and how there is now plastic in all life forms, even plankton. I have become disgusted by the use of plastic wrapping, and everyday things like how we put our produce in toxic plastic  bags.

{Recycling is a toxic process and only a small percentage of plastics are recycled. Unfortunately, I have had to read about that. Your recycled environmental backpack may be more toxic that the original bottles it is made from}

I don’t eat the organic samples they are dishing out in plastic cups or eat things that are available in non plastics. I did this at first to get well and now do it for the planet.

Studying the effects of toxins is both frightening and infuriating. These companies really don’t care who they hurt and they are deceiving the public into thinking its all safe and good.

However, the word about toxins is getting out and things are changing fast. There are so many websites, blogs, videos and social media dedicated to nontoxic living (and information about the deception of the chemical companies) that people of every walk of life are changing their habits. I really think one day soon, a big corporation will go non -toxic. Many are moving in that direction, thanks to consumer demand.

Things happen fast and faster every day on the internet. Lovingly share information with those you love and make your own website, page or videos on the information that you have. Its important to be sensitive to the person you are sharing with, over-sharing with someone who is resistant to new information may just make them shut down or have the opposite effect. On my personal social media, I share now and then about toxins and health, but to my friends and family who like the info, I send them personal messages.

It has occurred to me recently, that because of my “little” page and videos, that a quantity of plastics are not being used, and therefore not produced or discarded into the ocean. It fills me with happiness to think that I did this. It fuels me to go on, because, so far, I have probably earned about minus -$1.00 hour to do this.

Sorry to end on a downer, but there REALLY IS a plastic island the size of the US in the Pacific Ocean.





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