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Hard core detoxing & such to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity-my story

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One day I was in my dance class and suddenly became irritable, tight chested and overwhelmed with the smell of perfumes and laundry detergents. The same thing happened the next day, so I started Googling to find out what was wrong with me. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity! I quickly started detoxing my body and home. Even so, I continued getting sicker and more harmed by chemicals for the next 12 months. My sensitivity became so acute that I could smell people’s deodorant 5 feet away and could smell people’s perfume from inside of their cars (windows closed) when I walked on the street. My life turned into a living hell. I could not go anywhere, and any attempt to get help or get people to use less chemicals in my presence, usually brought on criticism and judgement. If you have MCS, you know this hell. Everyone just thinks you are high maintenance or hypochondriac. Apart from being ill, you can’t be with your friends and loved ones beacuse they use commercial shampoo and such.

In order to get well, I had to educate myself about toxins. This in itself, is enough to overwhelm anyone! Toxin use in our society is nothing short of insane!

Each day, I didn’t improve, I read more. At that time there were no websites like this.  I only had Sherry Rogers’ books and to get well. I could find people who were house bound and really ill, but no one who had gotten well.

I was really tired and didn’t have much energy, so I Googled and read message boards for two hours minimum each day.

My doctor would not test me for anything I suggested, she is a top DC doctor and would just ignore me completely. So I became my own doctor. I assumed that I had all of the conditions said to cause MCS and attempted to heal anything in my body, mind and spirit that could be healed. I tried anything and everything that didn’t seem dangerous. I had just bought the Hulda Clark’s battery operated ‘zapper’, when I suddenly felt better. I still have the zapper and may give it a whirl one day to see what happens. It is supposed to kill parasites and viruses.

I read that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) can be caused by certain Vitamin and mineral deficiencies; so each one I read about, I purchased. Vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium, molybdenum, glutathione, DHEA, selenium, iodine were mentioned.

I read that MCS was caused by too high of a “toxic load”, so I started Sherry Rogers Sauna, Coffee Enema and Detox Cocktail and detoxed my life and home from chemicals. I did the sauna in my gym 4 days a week and did coffee enemas almost daily. This gave great relief and healing. I took the Detox Cocktail supplements. (Vitamin C , Alpha Lipoic Acid and Glutathione)

I read that MCS was caused by damage to the Myelin Sheaths around the nerves, so I ate more saturated fats,  took omega 3’s and B vitamins to help that. Frankly my body craved natural bacon and I gave it that as well as grass fed butter.

I read that MCS was caused by PTSD damage to the amygdala and , so I got into therapy and  PTSD EMDR thearpy. I did yoga, visualization and deep breathing. I added things and changed my diet as I was able. Healing was all the more difficult and slow, as I did not have a lot of spare cash. Later I was to learn that emotions & stress are one of the most toxic conditions for the physical body.

I read that MCS was caused by leaky gut or poor gut health so I started taking care of that with probiotics, Kombucha and aloe (later giving up wheat, which I wish I had done earlier).

I read that MCS was caused by parasites or candida so I started taking care of that by colon cleansing enemas, parasite elimination, taking molybdenum, Pau d’arco, diatomaceous earth, oil of oregano, ginger, garlic and further diet changes etc

I read that MCS was caused by a weakened immune system, so I started taking care of that by eating the best super-foods, herbs and doing everything to strengthen my immune system.

I read that MCS was caused by mercury amalgams and heavy metal poisoning, so I had mine removed when I got the money. I took chlorella and did coffee enemas to get the metals out.

I read that MCS was caused by lack of oxygen in the blood so I started taking care of that by taking walks in the woods, yoga breathing and eliminating stress.

I read that MCS and the weakened immune system was caused by stress so I started taking care of that.

I read that MCS was caused by a poor liver so I started taking care of that, with coffee enema, milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid and selenium.

Oh, And I still was doing the basic detox; daily sauna and/or enema for almost a year.

I realized certain people were toxic, so I made my life peaceful and didn’t spend time with that kind of behavior (some of them actually changed when I stopped putting up with their negativity). I became aware of my body and certain people actually give me gut pains.

I read that thoughts were toxic so I found books and videos that helped change my thinking so I started taking care of that.I started changing my thoughts. Abraham Hicks was a  big help.

I read that serotonin is a major boost to the immune system and that stress weakens it, so I started doing more pleasurable things.

I read that MCS was caused by mold so I started taking care of that as I could.

I read that positive affirmations and visualization can completely turn a situation around, so I started doing that. I try not to get too negative or identify too much with being ill. (see my video!

I read that MCS was caused by a state of acidity in the body, so I added lemon or lime water, acv, baking soda in turns, and cut back on acid forming foods.

I was able to find a cheap acupuncturist and that helped a lot.

I got the toxins out of my apartment as much as I could. I bought organic clothes as I could afford it.

I stopped using, eating or drinking from plastics.

I did everything I could and one Spring I felt fine. Then next Autumn I felt worse again., but not so bad as before. My MCS had morphed into to lung sensitivity. I can tolerate chemical smells usually, but have to be very careful about being around lung irritants. My lung sensitivity comes and goes. So often I think I am totally well, but then I will have a little set back now and then. I have not actually had a reaction to chemicals in a year and possibly only a few small reations in the past 2 years.

It is amazing to be able to go into a store, restaurant and many places with out feeling overwhelmed by the chemicals. There are only a few that I even notice.  I could not work in an environment with toxic air, but an hour, two or three here and there is fine in most places.  So, I am about 95% better, but still dealing with it, but its more of a slight bother than a living hell now.

The yoga, the relaxation and the emotional healing has really been a great blessing that has led me onto an exciting ‘spiritual’ path. This awful illness truly led me to a life that I am excited about. I have more energy and feel better than I ever have, ever!

I made this website, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as a labor of love. I dont ever want anyone to be as sick and alone without help as I was. (of course, it would be great if you want to donate to invest/support this work-see side bar).

There are some many details to my recovery that I can not write here. If you would like extra help, I do phone consulting. C

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