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Indoor Air Pollution and Sick Building Syndrome [Part I]

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People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity are valuable people to know. We can instantly perceive environmental toxins while most people may not even think about toxins until they come down with infertility or cancer.  I can go into a building or home and tell you how the air quality is.  While we get noticeable symptoms like breathing problems, irritability and the urge to get the hell out; Other people are suffering from depression, irritability, infertility, cancer, headaches, fatigue, etc.. and have no idea why.

I first became ill with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity while working out at my gym. It was at the Sports Club LA in the Ritz Carlton. It was a nice gym which smelled of eucalyptus coming from the steam rooms.  I was very healthy. I was already eating organic, working out  5 days a week with weights and cardio and in the best shape of my life. Then one day I noticed that I didn’t feel well.  I was suddenly very grouchy and the smell of people’s laundry detergent was choking me. I loved my cardio dance and African dance classes so much and didn’t know enough to know that by continuing to go I would do serious harm to my health.  I now know that while doing cardio and breathing deeply and at the same time having everyone’s perfumes and synthetic fragrance heating up by the exercise was  causing a toxic overload to my system.  I later went on to realize that while everyone is exhaling the closed room fills with carbon dioxide and little oxygen is coming in. Furthermore, the lungs are one of the detox organs and that you release toxins by exhaling. This seems like nitpicking but the reality of toxins becomes overwhelming  when you get sick like this.

Sick Building Syndrome is where people are being made sick by buildings or homes is becoming more common every day.  I personally know of people disabled by this sickness who have to quit or are fired from their jobs for ‘complaining’ about the building making them sick.

 Also, this room was near to the pool and sometimes you could smell chlorine in the hall.  I never thought about any of this prior to becoming ill.  I stayed in that gym for a year after I started getting sick.  I was getting worse all the time, but tried to stay near the door and took tons of detox supplements and did protocols to detox my system.  I now know that I was doing damage to my organs.

I live in a city and the symptoms I feel inside of buildings I do not feel outside. When reports say that indoor air pollution is much worse than outdoor air pollution, I can vouch for them.  The following are personal observations, all of which are being backed up by science.  This ability of the chemically sensitive to perceive toxins should be utilized by the public.  I sometimes ask my friends that if they want me to let them know what in their apartment or personal products are toxic.  So many are plagued by headaches, rashes, depression and cancer and don’t realize that being in constant contact with toxins known to cause these problems is the typical outcome. With 1 in 2 people now contacting cancer, its time to end the toxic insanity!

There is a huge problem with air tight buildings. These sealed up buildings don’t let the toxins escape and don’t let enough oxygen in. we are meant to breathe oxygen, not toxic material off-gassing!!  Air flow is vitally important to having livable indoor air.

Here is a list of some of the toxins that create indoor air pollution:

Air freshener: what this is doing is covering up odors with toxic chemical odors

New carpet: (known to kill mice when put in a jar with it!) usually ok after 3 years

New paint: off-gasses toxic VOC’s for 3 years

Toxins worn by people inside: fabric Softener, “Snuggle” being the absolute worst, perfume, body spray, dry cleaned clothes, hair spray and hair conditioner.  Not to mention that Febreze makes a toxic product to spray on dirty clothes to make them smell clean!

Cleaning Supplies: All chemical cleaning supplies are very toxic, they build up over time and there is not superior cleaning abilities of toxins.

Plastic: garbage bags, furniture, food storage, etc..

Anything Febreze:  home sprays, clothing sprays, etc.  

Anywhere you are exposed to exhaust, especially diesel

Particle Board: the glues used to bind them are very toxic

Copy Machines:  the inks and toners used in them are very toxic.

Dust: modern dust contains jet fuel, lead and many more toxic compounds

Mold:  Some molds produce mycotoxins that can pose serious health risks to humans and animals.  Exposure to high levels of mycotoxins can lead to neurological problems and in some cases death.

Insecticide: spraying to kill pests with toxins also makes people sick.

Insulation: especially foam insulation

The floor cleaner used by hospitals and clinics is highly toxic.

Candles are made from toxic petroleum and usually have lead in the wicks (see CDC report)

Incense:  a toxic lung irritant

Dust or toxins from burning or mold from air conditioner or heaters

Anywhere plastics are heated up:  heating plastics releases harmful fumes into the air in a process called off-gassing.

Electro-magnetic Frequencies (people who are sensitive to chemicals frequently sensitive and made ill by electronic pollution calls EMF’s. Today with wireless, there are countless radio waves all around us all the time.  When my MCS was bad my cell phone and being close to my computer used to bother me.  Suffice it to say, use the speakerphone as much as possible and don’t carry the phone on your body.  EMF’s are another article, but be aware, its good to limit them if you can. There are ways to protect your home from them.)

when smokers smoke in front of doors the smoke is sucked back in side, There are now 200 chemicals used in the making of cigarettes. They are not the same as the Native Americans  smoked, but highly toxic chemical poisons.

All synthetic scents are neurotoxic (toxic to your brain) and carcinogenic. The fixatives used to make the scent strong and last a long time in detergents, air fresheners and perfumes is made from a highly toxic substance. (even Chanel and Armani).  They are not regulated by the FDA and anything can be in them. What this fixative is doing is making it so that the scent particles ‘stick’ to as many surfaces as possible. This is why you can smell it on you, even after contact is finished.


There are ways to detox and eliminate toxins faster so that you can stay well.  There are solutions to all of these problems and it is well worth the money and the effort to breathe cleaner air! My website and videos have plenty of information for you.

Here is a great 60 minute piece on the problem. They say that probably 25% of buildings are dangerous to your health, but as one who is sensitive to toxins, I would say that 90% are pretty bad.

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