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All About Oil Pulling – Ayurvedic Detox

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What is oil pulling?

Oil pulling is a powerful Detox.  It literally pulls toxins from your mouth.  It is also great for oral health by healing cavities and whitening teeth. It’s a simple process.  All you need is one or two teaspoons of organic oil and swish it around in your mouth.  Don’t gargle and don’t swallow it. Spit it out and then rinse and brush your teeth.

Infection, viruses, toxins and bacteria in the mouth can lead to chronic illnesses. Conversely, when the body is weak, these pathogens take advantage and increase. As with many Ayurvedic remedies, it’s not quite known how it works.  Some say that you absorb the nutrients from the oil by having it for 15 minutes in your mouth (Sublingual forms of medicine and vitamins go straight into the blood).  Also, it pulls toxins from your mouth and deeply cleans your mouth.  I have noticed that it cleans my lungs.  I always do a bit of  lung clearing after oil pulling.  It pulls mucous, or in Chinese Medicine “dampness”, from the sinuses and lungs.  I always do oil pulling when having any lung issues.

The information I found was from EarthClinic and Oil Pulling.  I have used it and developed my own method for people who are chemically sensitive or who have mercury amalgams.  My video above shows the whole process.

All you do is get a tablespoon or so of oil and swish it around in your mouth for 15 minutes.  Don’t gargle and don’t swallow it, the oil is pulling toxins from your body into the oil!  When I had MCS I developed more elaborate methods as I was worried about reintroducing toxins into my body.  I also suggest this same method if you have mercury amalgams.  I did have a strong healing reaction (talked about in the video) which showed me that this Oil Pulling is a powerful detox.

The super detox method is brush your teeth and/or rinse and swish with some kind of anti-bacterial like peppermint oil, H202 etc. That way you have eliminated many toxins already. Then oil pull for 5 minutes, spit out and get fresh oil every 5 minutes. When finished swish with Himalayan salt water a few times.  I have added  Activated Charcoal ‘pulling’ to my regime. This will be even more powerful for detoxing certain toxins.

In India they traditionally use sesame or sunflower oil.  Many people now use coconut oil.

Oil pulling is very simple and inexpensive, yet it is a powerful detox therapy.  Oil pulling is an ancient process which works on the root causes of illness and helps body in its healing process.  If you are using it for healing an illness it may take a few days, weeks or  months  in giving you the desired results.  The time it takes depends on the individual.

If deeply cleaned the teeth and gums. Many have reported cavity healing and teeth whitening.


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