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Why I won’t call myself a canary and why I don’t call MCS ‘permanent damage’

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People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) or Environmental Illness are called “canaries”. This is because in coal mines they used a canary to determine if their air supply was toxic. The toxic gasses would kill the canary first , alerting the miners to get out!

This is an accurate analogy  for people with MCS and is helpful to let people who don’t have MCS understand what this illness is. I am not sure what percentage of the population knows what the canary in a coal mine means anymore. There are websites with Canary in the name, that seems ok, but I wont call myself or address you a canary or fellow canaries.

I don’t call my self stupid, fat, ugly, a loser or liken myself to a doomed canary.

Words create, words change things, words are communicating to your deepest being.

I have never called myself a canary, I don’t think of you as a canary. I gasp a little when I see someone that has a canary as a profile picture. That picture is how you represent yourself? No!! Change it. You are not a canary destined to be the first to die.

Its good to study up on the power of words and belief. Jesus talked about it, Abraham talked about it, the Secret and other spiritual and practical paths talk about it. It is psychologically and physiologically proven to be true. There is a famous study by Dr Emoto who talked to water and changed the crystalline structure with positive and negative words.

Words are emotionally charged and all carry different vibrations. Just think in your mind the word “I hate you”. How does it make you feel? Notice your body reacting. Now say, “you are radiant and beautiful”, that is a different feeling in your body. Go through different words and notice how they feel. Some words are like sun light, others make a knot in the gut. One group has found a way to measure the vibrations and forms of words.

Everyone knows how words shape the growing child. A child who is praised and respected and given the benefit of the doubt, thrives and the child who was told its was stupid, ugly and useless is headed in that direction.

I am grateful that my nature is to have a fighting spirit and not to ‘accept my lot’ and stay sick. I have recovered something like 95% (which is technically recovered, but I don’t feel recovered, yet). I knew in my heart that I would get well. I have every intention to be NOT SENSITIVE to chemicals at all (of course, I will never go back to chemicals, plastics and metals and GMO food-they are not healthy for me or the planet).

There were times after I had been detoxing for months and getting sicker, no matter what I did. I did have moments of despair and think I was on the death road. What a sad thing to think at suck a young age “my life is over, its just the lonely isolated road to organs are becoming more damaged every day”. It really sucked. I had those thoughts of despair, but would always come back to hope and keep on my healing path.

Studies show that the placebo affect is almost as effective as any drug. That is the power of the mind!

I don’t judge anyone’s illness. I really think MCS has so many different factors for many people and some people do die from chemical poisoning and I would never say that “positive thinking’ could have changed that. I am just saying calling yourself a gonner in the metaphor of the canary is not going to help and will possibly hurt you more than you imagine.

You need hope to motivate you to do the SO-Many-Things to heal from MCS and put up with the social stigma(yes, many people think we are just neurotic) and isolation aspects of it. Calling myself a canary, takes the wind out of my sails! Even thinking about it, brings me down.

With MCS we cant be all positivity and light. Learning about toxins is depressing and frightening, we need to know whats toxic and why to avoid it. But then, we need to find a way to make ourselves feel safe in the world. Now that I am better and have learned so much about the healing capacity of the body and mind, I am not afraid of chemicals. I know my body can detox them and that I can do my best to avoid toxins and keep the damage to a minimum. I have had to tell myself that I am safe. Apparently, my self listened.

I feel fortunate that I caught mine fast and that I already knew a lot about health, when I got MCS. I know that people have had this for 20 and 30 years. That doesn’t mean they are negative or doing something wrong. The longer you are sick the harder it is to have hope.

I have never believed  that MCS is permanent, or that there is permanent damage to the brain or liver etc. MCS is a fairly new condition which seems to have a number of variables. It is incurable by a pill, so far. I have read of plenty of people who cured their MCS and many, who are almost cured or much much better. Find those people and find out what they did! I have read so much on health and found people cured of every disease at every stage!

They don’t use canaries in coal mines anymore. This beautiful bird no longer has that job!

Replace negative fearful thoughts and beliefs with more life affirming positive thoughts. Its takes some work, but is worth it!  XOX

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