⬇️ My Healing from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Journey~
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Healing from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
During my battle with chronic illness, a profound realization struck me—there exists a remarkable overlap in the experiences of those suffering from persistent ailments and their journey toward recovery. It became clear that regardless of the specific condition, a common path toward healing unfolds. That’s why it’s called a healing path. It truly is finding you’re way to better and better health and well-being as you learn and try new things, Its the opposite of the development of illness which is just your body getting worse and worse over time and a little negative thing adding negatively to your condition. It’s like a downward spiral of illness, the good news is that when you can get the spiral going back up again toward health and wellness, the ever-increasing path of health and vitality. I am still on the wellness upward spiral path I’m curious about how well I can actually feel. I feel healthy happy and excited about life. I think I started struggling with not feeling well when I was around 10 years old I can remember eating a lot of candy and just feeling sick feeling depressed feeling down
Don’t get mad at me if my speech is not to your liking, this is how my experience. Of course, every single person is different and people have a much harder time recovering than others. I talk about healing and completely recovering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity because that’s what I did. There is nothing wrong with having the intention to heal. Furthermore, I think that anyone has the potential to recover if they keep searching until healing comes. Absolutely, I don’t think that anyone is excluded from healing.
There is a kind of negative psychology about not being too optimistic about getting well. But I would rather not get well and be disappointed than just give up on getting well before I even started.
One thing we do know is that since there is no pill for curing any chronic illness. Modern society is just expecting you to accept and endure! This seems to be a result of people around us who have suffered a lot and been discouraged by the medical community who doesn’t have an answer and often pretend like there is no answer. That is just a lie, every single condition has been cured. But when you get cured from outside standard medicine, often nobody believes you.
Quite a lot of people believe I never had the “real” Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. 😢
I used to get upset when people said stuff to me but now I just completely ignore it. Part of healing from this or other chronic illnesses includes, eventually separating from the sickness community. We go to help groups and chats in the beginning because we need support and you need information but once you are well you won’t be there anymore, except for those few amazing souls that are there just helping the others to get well. But there is a point in your recovery where you need to separate, if at least for a while, from all of the negativity and illness talk. This is one reason people don’t know how many people have recovered from any illness. It’s because once we recover, we are out living life and going places that we could not go when we were sick.
That’s very depressing and I just couldn’t accept it. When I was sick I had not heard of anyone who had ever recovered. However, I was completely determined to recover. That doesn’t mean I didn’t get very discouraged at times and the truth is that I was still getting for quite some time after I started detoxing and working on healing. I think it was at least a full year that I was still getting worse and worse no matter what I did and could’ve been two years. I don’t usually like to say that because if you’re just brand new and getting well that could be very discouraging. But I do know that some people found a way to turn their health around really easily. Some of us have only maybe one offending factor maybe we are eating something we are allergic to maybe were in relationships that are stressing us to illness maybe the hormones were out of balance or maybe they just quickly heal, healing is like getting rich, can you get the right formula from somebody who actually got rich but it might not work for us maybe our formula is a little different or maybe we never get Rich.
I learned that just because something is good for you does not mean is good for someone else. and just because I did all of this and I healed doesn’t mean that you can do it all and you will be able to recover. but I think there’s a pretty good chance you will heal even faster than I did.
At the time when I was sick, I didn’t even have my top two tools which are s Wim Hoff breathing and Red Light Therapy. I honestly think that if you were to do that five days a week for 15 minutes then your health would turn around pretty fast. I offer daily breathwork sessions in my Zoom gym.
Basically, what I did in order to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity was to
- first detox toxins, upgrade emotions, and eliminate stressors and chemicals from my environment. Something all chronically ill people, whether physically or mentally, are focusing on in order to get well is healing the gut. Once you get back to a state of well-being you realize your whole body was just out of whack and it can take a lot of trial and error and troubleshooting to figure out how to become balanced in your own particular body/mind, Healing the gut plays a central role and is not an easy task. At least it wasn’t for me.
- Heal the gut, and eliminate foods or substances that may be hurting us, exercise, deep breathing, grounding in nature, create a nontoxic and pleasing home environment, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, and compensate for any possible deficiency through supplementation. Keep trying new methods until you are well!
Throughout my relentless pursuit to overcome severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, I ventured into anything that had the potential to heal.
Finally, my efforts yielded success, inspiring me to share the lessons I learned. While I am not a medical professional, I firmly believe that the causes, severity, and healing modalities vary for each individual. Nonetheless, once the body enters a state of healing, significant improvements manifest.
Back then my sense of smell was 100 to 1000 times more intense than that of others. Frighteningly, this happened all of a sudden. As eas day passed, I was getting sicker and more reactive to any and every daily chemical in the environment. I developed asthma and lung problems. Eventually, I was so reactive to chemicals that I had to stay home for a few years. During that time, I vowed to help others, if I could regain my health. I can’t smell all of the cleaners anymore. But having that toxin-detector super-power
I’m available to talk about my experiences and studies by Phone or other App calls
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Sadly, a prevailing notion persists that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is incurable; insisting its a state of “permanent organ damage.”
Yet, I am here today as living proof that this is not true. I have not only recovered but also encountered others who have healed from this condition. It is important to recognize that online communities primarily consist of individuals still grappling with their ailments, creating a skewed perspective on the potential for recovery. In some MCS communities, people will get angry, or call you a liar, if you say that you recovered from MCS. One reason I haven’t shared that much in the past is that I get accused of lying in order to sell my book! Absolutely, that’s the farthest thing from the truth.
Throughout my quest for healing, research and experimentation became my allies.
- I diligently eliminated toxins from my environment, utilized saunas, did daily coffee enemas, and focused on the restoration of my nervous system. Every facet of my being received careful attention and nurturing.
- Nature provided solace and a source of healing throughout my ordeal. Though life felt like a nightmare, I now reflect fondly on the moments spent in the tranquil embrace of the forest. Moreover, I delved into guided meditations, visualizations, and other spiritual practices, adding a mystical dimension to my healing journey.
- I have 160 blog posts, 200 YouTube videos, and new Tiktok Shorts to aid you in your personal healing journey.
To support others, I wrote a book and established a shop offering saunas and other beneficial tools. Furthermore, I endeavor to connect with you in my daily Zoom gym, breath work, and dance classes. It’s the basis of my “Brian Retraining” program. Even if it does not seem serious, there is deep healing therein.
In essence, I firmly believe in the power of the mind-body connection as a potent healing modality. If you are interested, I offer a daily program on Zoom that puts this transformative concept into action.
Ultimately, I hold the belief that even simple practices, such as focused breathing, possess the potential to foster healing across a wide range of illnesses. Moreover, I desperately needed that to be true because I had very little money at that time. Healing can be simple, it just requires perseverance.
Get “Detox With Ease” Now on Amazon
Learning to do things with “ease” is actually a great key to healing. Calming the mind is as important as all of the healing modalities we have access to today.
II wrote a very simple book explaining the basic categories of toxins, how the body processes them, and easy ways to seriously reduce your ‘toxic load’.
Toxins have far-reaching effects and will contribute to any chronic negative condition. They put an extra toll on the body and weaken it in every way.
Excess toxins contribute to conditions like:
Digestive Problems
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Chronic Fatigue
Erectile Dysfunction
Immune System Weakness
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
Overall Malaise
Chronic Headache
Everything Else, including joint issues, COPD, Cough, Skin problems, mental decline or illness etc… Toxins contribute to every illness because they interfere with your immune system and your body’s ability to heal & function properly!
However, your body possesses incredible self-cleansing and renewal capabilities.
Detox the Body Website & My Detox YouTube Channel Topics Covered
Avoiding Toxins:
Eliminate toxic materials from your home
Choose toxin-free food options
Body Detoxification:
Learn effective methods to detoxify your body
Detox-Boosting Supplements and Foods:
Discover supplements and foods that aid in detoxification
Superfoods for Optimal Health:
Explore the importance of incorporating superfoods into your diet
Strengthening the Immune System:
Techniques to enhance your immune system for optimal health
Detox Protocols:
Sauna therapy
Oil pulling
Coffee enemas
Red light therapy
ProBiotics ( 🛒 the best on the market )
Acupuncture and other Therapies
Managing Stress and Emotional Issues:
Strategies to address and alleviate long-term stress
Mind-Body Healing Techniques:
Exploring the powerful connection between mind and body
Yoga, Meditation, and Breathing:
Embrace the benefits of yoga, meditation, and mindful breathing
Brain Retraining and Emotional Healing:
Techniques for rewiring the brain and promoting emotional healing
Visualization, affirmations and
Get the energy moving; Restorative Yoga, dance, martial arts, and sports etc
Leessen exposure t0 toxic negative influences and attitudes
Healing the Gut:
Understanding the importance of gut health in overall well-being
Balancing Hormones and Addressing Endocrine Disruptors:
Insights into hormone balance and avoiding endocrine disruptors
Grounding and Earthing:
Discover the healing properties of connecting with nature and grounding techniques
Healing the Lungs:
Techniques to promote lung health and healing
Overcoming Chronic Illness:
Strategies for healing and managing chronic conditions
Nature and Energy Healing:
Exploring the transformative power of nature and energy healing