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Brain Retraining for healing & MCS

brain retraininng for MCS

Brain retraining is the most exciting subject in healing!

The brain is the computer that is giving commands to our bodies. With brain retraining, we can heal MCS & other issues. Not to mention, feel much happier and fulfilled.

We all have in our brain what are called neural pathways and that means they’re like grooves in stone or clay. The thoughts that we think and emotions that we feel tend to go along the same pathways over and over. This affects the structure of the brain. Very similar to muscles, the brain can be transformed with exercise! I became an expert in this in order to heal my Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

All of the thinking and feeling habits we have can be changed. It takes continued effort but the results are really phenomenal. Every area of medicine is using neural plasticity now for healing. People can reverse their paralysis by using their minds to connect with the body for healing.  

There is something in science and psychology called the negativity bias. This means that we think negative thoughts much more often than we think positive thoughts. The reason for this is that it’s a survival technique and we need to remember when the lion was chasing us. If someone gives us a piece of cake we don’t really need to remember that for survival. That is the basis for the negative bias.

What brain retaining does is really balance out that negativity bias that we all have. The negativity bias means that the brain, by nature, is always going to do something negative. It’s a survival skill. We don’t really need to think of all the great things that happen to us, they don’t help us survive. This is a process that takes time and repetition to change your thoughts into positive, pleasing thoughts and emotions. Deep breathing is great for your health: it increases blood flow, serotonin, and hormones, etc. The opposite is true for when we become stressed, our breathing becomes shallow and our blood flow cuts itself off to our non-essential organs, creating health problems of all kinds.

Most brain retraining programs out there focus on the moment when we need to alter our thoughts. Or, they are based around a central theme like how to get rid of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. This can make them boring or hard to complete. Make it fun and it’s going to get done!

After a year of being ill with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, I created a brain retraining program of my own. I use the principles of Joe Dispenza from his book How to Break the Habit of Being Yourself. He has some very detailed self-hypnosis MP3s which I have used and they are great. However, you have to be highly motivated to lay in your bed for an hour during self-hypnosis. I also think that’s the problem with the other programs is that they are tedious, boring, and hard to do, especially, if your brain is all over the place. We are human beings after all!

I started using yoga and creative visualization in order to change my body and my brain.

Being highly motivated by the physical exercise and the beautifying results of yoga, kept me at it day after day.

Creative visualization was my pick for meditation at that time because I consciously practice the “law of attraction”. I knew and was motivated by getting things that I wanted. I would lay there in the relaxed state, parasympathetic nervous system activated & visualize trips, love life & money into being! I got hooked and that was great for healing my Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

As I lay there visualizing on my floor, I created relationships, cars, vacations, friends, and more. With yoga I started feeling great, more energy, more flexible and looking better than ever. The reason I started doing the yoga is that who can just sit down and meditate, my mind was racing 100 miles an hour. The breathing, concentration, and calming effects of yoga were perfect to do just before the visualization. Also, meditation is amazing for the brain but I can’t sit there and I couldn’t count my breaths at the time.

What I discovered in my exploration was that I had created a great brain retraining program. I have used it with many people and everyone has had radical life changes. The premise is that if you stimulate your relaxation response every day on a regular basis. By doing this, its effects are going to spread out into the rest of your life. A great side benefit of visualization is that it helped my brain to become very focused, which helped in many other areas in my life. This includes living in a way that is more positive and focused on self-awareness. Meanwhile, deep breathing completely combated all the stress that I was having and being surrounded by toxic chemicals.

I don’t know which came first, the chemicals or the anxiety, but I know that the more relaxed body is, the better detoxing machine I am. The stressed-out body and mind is a place where everything starters to get clogged up.  Illness usually results in the long term. This is all my science now and you can read my book or other articles in order to to understand how that works.

You can create your own program to work with your mind and body. You can do your own yoga and meditation. I am convinced that the most important thing of any program is that you’re motivated to actually do it.

I know lots of people get a lot of help with tapping but I could just never get into it. It is important to find out how YOU can relax YOUR parasympathetic nervous system. You need to get your body in this relaxed state as often as possible. This also includes reprogramming your mind in a more positive way. I like to kill a whole bunch of birds with one stone that’s why am in my program.

Visualization is one of the most powerful tools that we have these days. Seeing yourself healtyh, visualizing yourself breathing freely, and visualizing yourself enjoying life, translates into the physical world. Olympic athletes do this for their training. Millions of dollars are spent on these athletes and they’re not wasting their money with ineffective techniques.

I also use Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) tones which you can download for $1 on iTunes. This is called bilateral brain stimulation and was first used to treat PTSD. It’s a very effective training method. It’s very simple. You need to use headphones with the EMDR tones to make sure the sound goes from ear to ear. Just add that as an extra layer of your meditation. Every day, myself and my small group would excitedly gather on Skype to create new neural pathways. It resulted in a whole change in outlook and amazing things being accomplished.E Everyone that stuck to this healed the MCS.

So many of these brain retraining programs focus on visualizing the exact scene of whatever it is you need to be training from, such as chemical sensitivity. However, from my studies, I think it’s best to avoid the subject completely. What I have always used in my brain retraining visualization is to imagine doing something that you couldn’t do. While in deep relaxation, I imagined myself being a Zumba dance teacher again. This meant being inside, jumping around, doing cardio, and feeling great. Now, I don’t want to be a Zumba teacher ever again because I don’t like to do my cardio indoors. I realize I actually like doing my cardio outdoors. The air is so much better and I really enjoy nature.

Any method that can get your parasympathetic nervous system activated is a good method. 

All relaxation techniques are brain retraining!


There are many methods that you can use to get your brain to think thoughts that you don’t normally think. That is the essence of brain retraining. Your brain took many years to get into the habit it’s in. It’s going to take time for your brain to heal. Make sure you’re doing something enjoyable that you want to keep doing. Or, if you’re creative, you can do something for one month and do something else for another month. People have their programs because that’s how they make their money or that’s how they got well. Although there are many programs that people are created because that’s how they got well, this can be done in any way. Everyone has a different thing that they like to do. But with the brain and the body, there are many programs, thus there are many ways to get your results. For me, my program is the most effective because I love yoga, meditation, and visualization. It has totally changed me in amazing ways and even my clients have had incredible results.

There are so many things that retrain my brain towards positivity and happiness. My favorites are dance,  nature and grounding & trying to stay relaxed.

People have used brain retraining to do anything from healing spinal paralysis, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, to improving their relationships.

I believe anything can be accomplished with this! 

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