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Is There a Connection Between Lyme Disease and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity?

Many people with Lyme disease also suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and many people with #MCS also suffer from Lyme disease. Why’s that?


I believe it’s because when the body is weakened in anyway #MCS is a very logical thing to happen. #MCS is actually your body’s way of protecting itself from more incoming chemicals.

Generally, when your body is weakened it is very sensitive to toxins and when your body’s weakened it’s because you’ve been over exposed to toxins. So #MCS goes along with a lot of things like chemotherapy treatment, cancer and other illnesses that come with a weakened immune system.

I think that the immune system is really a lot of the base of #MCS and why it’s so important to treat every aspect of your body, mind and spirit, in order to recover.  This was true in my case. Long term stress weakened my immune system, so said my acupuncturist. My problem was not my liver as many say, but the immune system and the kidneys.

Lyme disease is a very insidious virus that affects every part of your body, such as, your nervous system and your immune system. So does #MCS. So healing is very parallel in both conditions.

I think that #MCS is really a breakdown of all the systems in the body and it could be due to toxicity, or some other co-infection, or virus, candida, stress and PTSD. So many things can factor into it.

Some people have cured their #MCS by treating their Lyme disease or by healing their cancer.

If you do have #MCS your state of health really is not good and you must do everything you can to build your body and your immune system so that you can be healthy again.

I do wellness consulting and also have a mind-body program done every day online if you need extra help.

Happy healing and don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter.

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