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Hospitalization for the Chemically Sensitive Patient

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A few years back, we experienced a tragic event within our Multiple Chemical Sensitivity global community. A member passed away during what was supposed to be a routine shoulder operation.

Despite her explicit warning about her sensitivity to specific chemicals, her concerns were overlooked, and sadly, she had a fatal reaction.

These chemicals, often used in hospital cleaning processes, include substances such as Chlorine and Chlorine Compounds, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid, Hydrogen Peroxide & Peracetic Acid, Ortho-Phthalaldehyde, Phenolics, Iodophors, and Quaternary Ammonium Compounds.

I can personally relate to the challenges of dealing with sensitivity to such chemicals. There was a time when even stepping into a doctor’s office made me sick because of the cleaning products used on the floors.

It’s crucial that we begin assembling resources to help those in need. It’s crucial that we begin assembling resources to help those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

In a spirit of collaboration and commitment to preventing such tragedies, let’s pool our resources and share relevant materials. If anyone has pertinent information or useful links, I’m more than ready to feature them on my website and consider creating YouTube videos to raise awareness. This way, individuals visiting hospitals or similar environments can provide their doctors and staff with these resources in advance.

Equally important is remembering our dear community member who lost her life. We should gather information to commemorate her life, for she was a cherished individual.

It’s heartbreaking to consider the number of people who suffer from chemical sensitivities and who do not survive. Many even resort to suicide, driven in part because of the emotional trauma and desperation they feel when they are they are dismissed or ridiculed when seeking help.

Let’s spread awareness about Chemical Sensitivity because I’m remembering how when I had it everyone treated me like I was either crazy, lying for attention, or just a prima donna who needed my way on everything. I  imagine the people in the hospital we’re rolling their eyes at her and her ‘crazy requests’. It makes me feel sad. 

Let’s work together to change this narrative.

Click on the link below and share. if you have other links just send them to me. ⬇️

I found them on the Internet and I can’t vouch for them. And, as you know, there are so many different levels and considerations in Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

Hospitalization for the Chemically Sensitive Patient Hospital Protocol Guidelines.

Guidelines for South Australian Hospitals

11 Page Book from National Library of Australia

General Articles  Chemical Sensitivity Foundation


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