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Delicious Organic and High Quality Food is Worth the Cost

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I know that healthy food costs a lot. One of the reasons that we got into this poor health and obesity predicament is that as that America became masters at producing cheap food, and sadly, exported this mastery to the rest of the world. Cheap, mass produced, nutrient poor food doesn’t taste good and it leaves you full of toxins, superbugs, hormone disruptors and deficient in vitamins and minerals.

It is worth it to buy certified organic, free roaming, farmers market and quality food.  The more money I have, the more it goes to my food.  Beans, rice, eggs, bananas and such are still cheap.  It’s a lot of work to learn about food, but eating is about the most important thing we do.

I have herbs growing in my apartment window and get fresh veggies where I can.  The taste is nothing like the regular pale, sad grocery store food.

I just just try to think of it like going back in time where people spent a large percentage of their income on food. In the end, you will save so much money that you would spend on illness or just tiredness.  Also, good food is so much more satisfying!  This also means you don’t need to eat as much.  You are satisfied and your body has revived its nutrition, so you don’t feel the need to keep eating!  There is a whole “weight loss trend” around eating “Good Food”.  This makes sense.  I eat what I want and don’t starve myself with salads, but heat healthy and delicious foodss without restrictions and I get a little love handles now and then, but for America, I am trim.
Food was meant to be enjoyed. Every food you think is truly delicious has value.  This includes chocolate, wine, coffee, all meats and bread!  There are people who can’t or choose not to eat these things, there are lots of studies about  “eating meat being unhealthy”.  They were not done on organic, pasture-raised farm meat!  I think factory farm meat is disgusting! Its is SO, SO bad for your health!
I have read that home or bakery (not the Whole Foods frozen dough bakery) sourdough bread has enzymes that help digest the gluten!

Here is the thing, when you allow yourself to eat what you want and try to and more and more healthy food into your diet, your body will crave the right amounts of the foods that you need.

Unfortunately,  the More you learn about conventional foods, the more you realize how totally inedible it is.  Sadly, “cage free” really doesn’t mean much.  I now buy “pasture raised”.  “Natural” could mean almost anything.  Organic meat or dairy really isn’t good enough either [Editor’s Note:  This is due to adding synthetic chemicals that are created from once-organic foods], grass-fed and free roaming is really going to add lots of nutrients to your food.  Grass-fed butter has the super nutrient K2 which is almost impossible to find in foods.  That’s why some eggs say “Omega 3 added”. Animals raised indoors on an unnatural diet have no comparison in nutrition or taste as a free roaming animal fed  its original diet.

As you know the cheap oils are ALL SO BAD for you! Stick to olive, coconut and the other few good ones (NOT CANOLA OR SOY).  It’s hard to change your economy around, but absolutely worth it.

Packaging is another thing that contaminates your food.  Even when plastic is not touching a food directly, the chemical residue can be found in the food  and also in the whole package.  I try to not to buy foods wrapped in plastic for my health and for the serious damage it is doing to the oceans and environment.  I avoid foil packaging as well.

I do eat food in plastic and I will eat anything, including the occasional fast food now and then.  I am allowed to break all of my rules sometimes.  Well actually, I don’t have rules.  If you eat a whole bunch of junk food, relish in the experience and don’t allow yourself to feel badly or guilty (this will change your life-try it). You have to let your body do what it wants and it will start wanting what’s usually best for it.

Little by little, over time, I buy more and more expensive foods and I must say I enjoy it. I have become a total foodie and learned how to cook a bit.

Whenever people eat something at my home, they are always so impressed.  It’s not my cooking, it’s the deliciousness of the ingredients.

I am starting a new FB and website so we can share the constantly changing health information on food and products.

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