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The Power of the Mind through Positive Affirmations

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{Below is my Positive Affirmations for Health Video!}

Over the years I have used positive affirmations for everything from raising my income to looking good, feeling confident,  and being in good health.  Frankly, I don’t know where I would be today if I had never discovered this principle, probably broke, fat, depressed and sick.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  There are powerful truths found in the Bible, “The Secret” and probably all other religions!  Words are powerful, words are creative.  Now its being proven by science!

There are many people who have gotten well from believing that they would be well.  They say that the positive thoughts have a direct influence on health.  Prayer seems to be a major positive factor for healing.  I also heard one woman who had terminal cancer and suddenly recovered after accepting that she would die; So, this is not an exact science.  Yet, by and large, getting positive thoughts inside of the psyche has a very positive effect!

Our brains are naturally hardwired for catastrophe.  Negative occurrences are more deeply embedded in the brain than positive ones.  The reason is that, say for example, you almost get hit by a car, drown in a pool or lose all of our money; Your brain stays always on alert to make sure that these things do not happen again.  When something good happens it’s not a matter of life or death so its not as strongly recorded.  It’s the self-protective and self-preservation element of your amazing person that makes you more negative than positive! This is why a variety negative incidents can be a source of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. these incidents replay over and over in the mind, and can be triggered by the smallest incident, even though now there is now no use for it.

10 years ago I fell down the stone  stairs in my building while carrying a child on my shoulders. I couldn’t protect myself because I had to make sure the child wasn’t hurt.  I landed with all of my weight (and the child’s) on my ankle on the step.  It was a miracle that nothing broke!  I had a bruise for a year!  To this day I must hold the rail when going down these 6 stairs because I always imagine falling!

If you have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, you have PTSD from chemicals.  Since they have made you very ill in the past. Now when you perceive a toxin, your fight or flight  response kicks in.  This is generally good (it has saved your life), but something you have to consider when you are recovering.  While you may not want to hang around a toxic chemical, you need to know that its not going to kill you and it’s important to calm the nervous system because stress and distress flood the body with “toxic” natural chemicals like cortisol and make everything worse. Certainly, if you have MCS, get away from toxins ASAP!

It is really important to replace your fear and negative voices inside your head with the positive opposite!  Fear and despair are a big part of being sick.  This just makes you sicker!  Everyone flourishes when they are praised and encouraged!

The positive affirmations tool is something I use for achieving every goal I have.  I have lists of affirmations. In my phone voice mail I have 3 messages from a friend who reads my positive affirmations to me. I play them a few times a week, and if I get gloomy, I will listen to it over and over.  They are a lot like what I have in the video below, except with my career and personal goals.

When I have had dark moment in my illness or before a scary doctor’s appointment, I listen to my health positive affirmations.

I will record voice messages or MP3s for $25.00 or video for you for $35.00.  You can have any goals you can imagine.  I can send you an example!  Otherwise, get a friend to do it. You can make the list and they can read it:  “You Are recovering more quickly that thought possible; You are healthy; You are making $10,000 month from home” etc.. You can also do your own positive affirmations like  a “I am 100% healthy and full of energy”, “My whole body radiates health” etc. You can write them, record them or make videos.  All are great!

The important thing is that they be positive and in the present tense! Don’t say “I am no longer sick” or “I will be well soon”.  You must declare the reality you want as if it were real now!


My take on  neural retraining (like Gupta) is all the buzz for Chemical Sensitivity recovery. I think its good if you have a ‘chemical phobia’, but I got well detoxing so I must not have had that. However, I  certainly have developed an element of chemical phobia in the process, being made sick so many times by chemicals!  Now, I just relax and don’t freak out whenever I smell a chemical. I got over it pretty easily just by being aware of the difference between a stress response and a toxic chemical response. Also, I do a lot for relaxation and the mind part of my mind/body. The Limbic  system of the brain is certainly worth understanding and keeping healthy!
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