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Sun Gazing~ How to do it and Is it safe?

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Heal MCS Chemcial Sensitivity

 I had Multiple Chemical Sensitivity MCS (also called Environmental Illness) I did Sun Gazing for about 6 months.

Sungazing is a practice where you gaze into the sun very early or very late in the day when the sun is very weak.


When I had Multiple Chemical Sensitivity MCS (also called Environmental Illness) I did Sun Gazing for about 6 months. Sungazing is a practice where you gaze into the sun very early or very late in the day when the sun is very weak. I did it when I was sick because it is supposed to be great for healing and wellbeing. The sun gives your body energy vitamin D.  I studied it deeply and watched every video and documentary about it. Equipped with the best internet knowledge, I  practiced it for several months.  Carefully following a protocol of increasing looking at the sun by a few seconds per day.

While the many things that I was doing in those days increased my health tremendously, my eyesight was getting worse over those years.  I was at the age of eyesight decline, but I thought it was more than it should have been. However, even before I noticed any problem with my eyes, I stopped sun gazing, because I was feeling that it was risky.

Even though my eyesight decline may have been caused by anything,

it certainly did not get any better in those days. Perhaps it was going to get worse anyhow.  I do think the sun gazing was beneficial but would only endorse the minimum sun gazing time in the hours of the weakest sun.  What I studied showed that too much sun can burn the eyes, but like a sunburn, it goes away on its own. In the months that I was sun gazing, I  never felt my eyes burning. Still, I may do a mini-version of sun gazing now and then, but don’t practice it.  It was a beautiful and spiritual experience which I do recommend. There are proponents of sun gazing mid-day and some small groups of people do it for hours. There are many people who do this and don’t have any problems. They say they feel great.

Here is a side note for you: I was into the “healthy” rays tanning beds, which did make me feel happy, healthy and energized.  I do think was healing. However, one 6 month period when I tanned several times per week aged my skin.  For many, that’s a no-brainer, but those of us who have spent long hours studying alternative healing or have incurable illnesses, we know there are many sun junkies out there.

I like the Sun, but I am fair-skinned and keep a balanced philosophy now.

When I was sick, I was desperate and tried everything in order to get well. I do think the sun gazing helped. Yet, I would be more careful about doing it now. The most famous sun gazing film “Eat The Sun” was pretty good. The most famous sun guru is  70-year-old Indian teacher who goes by the name HRM. He claims to have subsisted solely on solar energy and water, not having eaten solid food, in eight years. At the end of the film, he is caught sneaking MacDonalds. He did eat very little, but as is typical of proponents of many spiritual and health practices, not so honest. People become unbalanced in promoting their niches.

On another related topic:

Red Light Therapy is an amazing health practice that I use every day.

The well-made brands have certain frequencies of the Sun’s rays.  They say you can stare into the light, but I feel that it might have been bothering my eyes, so I stopped. The sun and also Near Infrared Red Light do penetrate the body to 10 cm, so doing it with eyes closed still allows the rays into your eyes.  Spectrums of the Sun also has Near Infrared, so I don’t think there is much need for exposing your eyes to direct sunlight more than for moments here and there. It’s going to benefit you a great deal even though your eyelids.


There is a benefit and health from the sun and many traditions and cultures have used the amazing light for healing. I would just be careful because it seems that truly accurate information is not yet available. Because of this, I can not recommend it in good conscience. It may have been significant in my healing, though, I did so many healthy things all day long, so I can never be sure of what was the most beneficial.  There was something very enjoyable about it. There is a lovely psychology in making friends with the sun and viewing it in a positive light. Perhaps it activated light codes in my DNA? Who knows? Life got very mystical during my healing. These types of things will be more understood in the future.

If you want to try it, here are the basics.

Added below is a “Mayan” meditation that I think has merit. You can do the exercises with eyes closed. I never did any meditations while sun gazing. Some tribes of Indigenous Americans would open their mouths and get the sun on the throat while singing a particular song to the sun. I had a beautiful time walking in the woods near sunrise or sunset and looking at the sun. I would stop and take off my shoes, even in Winter, for grounding. It’s a great feeling.

Being grounded to the Earth either barefoot, in socks or moccasins is an important addition. But if you can’t go outside, open the window. If you can’t open the window do it through the glass. The protocol is to start for 10 seconds and increase your time by 5 seconds per day. Sun gaze when the sun is low on the horizon close to sunset or sunrise.



First, feel the Sun’s rays illuminating every cell.

Envision the inside of your body glowing in red light

Then see the blood pulsing and sunlight coursing through your veins.

Now see your bones filled with LIGHT.

Feel the sun in every bone throughout your body.

Visualize or imagine that your bones light-filled.

Now notice your organs are glowing with Sunlight.

Feel them warming to the point where they are lit up.

Now notice the light is burning off toxins and strengthening healthy cells.

Know that inside your body, every part of you is aware of the Sun.

You were designed to bask in Sunlight.

Lastly, breathe deeply and feel it’s nourishment throughout your body.


I think there are are some worthwhile concepts to chew on here. It may seem wacky to you, but as someone who studies epigenetics, physics and has a great feeling and respect for the healing powers of nature, this seems about right to me. This is also from the “Mayan” teacher:

Sungazing for a certain duration, along with conscious breath and connection to the Earth is so vital because if you can assimilate the full Light Source Codes in conjunction with the crystalline transmission of Earth ( I would just say Earth energies).  You may then override that which inhibits your ability to embody the full spectrum waveform and by so doing, eradicates any disease. Diseases are the manifestation of your inability to resonate with light.



Personally, I am convinced that healing is a complex situation

and NO ONE who has said that One thing will heal you has proven to be truthful. Many things can heal you, BUT I tried them all. I did heal. Maybe it was the sun? I more think it was the Earth, along with every other healing practice, my mindset, destiny and/or even luck. I have worked in healing for decades. I used to be a Christian Evangelical healer for many years. It was fascinating. I saw and performed miraculous healings myself. I left this religion some years ago and continued the study and practice of energy healing. There is no set formula. xox