Ask any question & get detailed answer for $20!
There are so many videos and blog posts that I want to write, but just cant allot the time to do it. This is just one of my side jobs & I get busy. Sometimes busy relaxing!
Only a very small portion of what I know I have had time to put on my site.
For $20 as any question about health, detox, environmental chemical elimination, weight loss, mind body, MCS, even personal questions about my spiritual path or how I managed to supplement my income with this website.
I will either make a blog post or a YouTube video with the answer.
I will then post it on my Facebook Page and Twitter to get input from other people. I will delete any uneducated comments that may be confusing.
This can be anonymous or I can add your name or email if you want personal feedback.
If I don’t think I am able to answer a question, I will return your money (minus the small PayPal fee).
Put $20 in the Donation window and order now!
I will have it done within a week or 2 weeks if I am on vacation