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It A little about my internet quest to cure MCS, my Tapeworm and why I started my page

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When I suddenly went from healthy, health-food eating, in great shape to someone who got headaches, lung problems, fatigue, and irritability from being exposed to toxic fragrances, I searched high and low for the cure. My doctor would not acknowledge that there was anything wrong with me. She just looked at me as if I were crazy and said “all of your test results are good”.

I knew there was something terribly wrong, so I searched high and low on the internet. I figured out quickly that it was Multiple Chemical Sensitivity MCS. I  read “Detoxify or Die” and “Healing Against All Odds” by Sherry Rogers. I took as much of her advice that I could afford.  I started doing her basic protocol, even so, I continued to become more and more sensitive to chemicals every day.

I found some info on MCS, but nothing that would help me get well. I found communities of sick and isolated people who were do everything and getting little results. Curezone was the main message board for health issues way back in 2009. I could not find much else. I Googled “MCS cure” daily to no avail.

I found  contradicting and confusing information. People would talk like experts and later I would realize that they were either still really ill or really did not know what they were talking about. It was depressing, but it was the only hope I had at the time. I continued getting sicker and sicker. I developed asthma, crazy twitches, anxiety, eye issues and was not able to go into any building with out having a reaction to toxins.

Also, there were certain ‘experts’ selling products which seemed to cure everything. There were just too many people on Curezone; and all too many, talking with the authority of an expert.

There wasn’t a lot of hope in those pages and some of the protocols were pretty intense and dangerous sounding. We were all having “healing reaction” (getting sicker from release of toxins, parasites, candida etc ), but with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, the internet was all I had.

I was so frightened, I had already read enough to know that many people with MCS were forced to live in the desert, far from anyone and most never seemed to get better. Although eye opening at first, the rants about chem-trails,  bigPharma, eugenics, and the Illuminati were just increasing my despair. Certainly chemical companies have no conscience and those other things may exist; but I am trying to get well and the fear created by that info was making me sicker.

I did learn a lot about parasites and candida. Sadly, it seemed people were endlessly trying to get rid of parasites and candida with little luck. I did have parasites and got rid of plenty of them, but at some point I realized that having a strong immune system, healthy gut flora and perhaps Molybdenum,  Oil of Oregano and other anti-parasite and anti- fungal foods was the best way to deal with them. I needed to forget about them and move on. I realized we all have them, its just when we are weak, they seize the opportunity to proliferate.

During my Curezone journey, I was sure I had a tapeworm. In my enemas I found long strings which I thought were worms. I took them in to the lab and the analysis said they were mucous. I went back to the message board and people told me the tests were probably wrong. I did have so many tapeworm symptoms. Despite my incredible superfood diet,  I was somehow malnourished among other things. Recently, I had some of these “worms” again, right after I got shellfish poisoning. My acupuncturist said that they were “mucous strings” caused by intestinal distress. So, the doctor was right, unfortunately the doc didn’t give me the proper name or their cause; had she done this, I could have stopped freaking out about my mortal tapeworm.

I did learn invaluable information about parasites, candid, leaky gut and a hundred other causes or effects of chronic illnesses like MCS.

I somehow got better, much better. I was so happy! I could hardly believe it. I had almost given up hope, thinking that the healthy part of my life was over.

That is the reason I started my page is that I was so thankful to be well and felt so bad for anyone who suffered and lived in constant uncertainty like I did, that I wanted to let people know that it is possible to get better. Even though I have since met people on my page who have recovered or mostly recovered for MCS, I don’t know of any website of page by a person who got well. When I was sick, I was completely alone. I never knew anyone with MCS until making my page. Online, I could only find people who were sick with MCS.

MCS is the most isolating, frightening and emotionally difficult illness I can imagine. One of the worst aspects of the illness being that doctors and friends think you are a hypochondriac or just a really high maintenance prima-donna who doesn’t “like chemicals’.

On my page I decided to focus on healing and not put too much information about illness. I won’t label myself as a Canary or accept that MCS is not curable. I don’t make statements about myself which I don’t want to be true, this is my personal philosophy.  I am not 100% cured yet, but am leading a normal life and can do almost anything. They say if you are 85% better, that’s a cure, I am about 95% better, but going for 100%.  I continue to get well, I have set-backs now and then, but nothing like the nightmare I lived when everywhere I went, I was bothered and harmed by the toxins.

I have read lots of speculation and  studies on MCS and I don’t know what causes it (besides the toxins) or why it functions the way it does. I am not a doctor, or a writer. I somehow got well. I don’t know if it was one thing or all of the TONS of things I did. I have a feeling it was everything together. I just had to rework my whole body/mind. I think the brain & nervous system should not be ignored with MCS.

On Facebook now there are lots of great pages about healing. They all seem to have really good information. I read them all the time. Most pages focus on nutrition. Lots of cancer pages have awesome healing info.

I try to give out standard, reliable, health info on my page. Now and again I have experimented with some stronger or potentially harmful thing.  I don’t put any harmful or controversial treatments here. I do feel responsible for what I post. My health was quite strong except for the MCS. Everyone has different levels of sensitivity. I can just talk about what I did.

I believe everyone can get well.  Just keep trying! XOX~Eve

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