Any Thing that makes you feel better is literally healing!
The medical community is now understanding about healing chronic illness is that, the body, mind & energy(or spitit) are connected as one whole person. To heal chronic illness is to get everything working together as optimally as possible.
Follow the trail of feeling good.
The usual model of medicine focuses on finding one symptom and fixing that. I see a lot of people online trying to heal chronic illness. We look for the specific answer to a specific problem. Since doctors don’t have answers for our cndition, we take to the internet. But we use the same method of finding the one culprit and getting rid of it.
In ‘Allopatic Medicine’ , which has only been being practiced for the past hundred years or so, focuses more and more on specialization of illnesses. For example, your thyroid is “malfunctioning”, so you try to fix the thyroid level. You need more medicine over time to keep your levels at the expected number.
The real question is why did the thyroid change its function?
It is reacting to a whole system of functions. Your thyroid or any other gland or organ is usually adjusting something in order to help you. Your body is always seeking wellness and adjusts things to stay in balance.
Even fat helps protect your body by storing toxins so that your organs don’t store them. So even, those extra pounds can be your body’s best strategy for well being. Or, extra fat may be there to protect you emotionally from connecting to other people. Every reaction in the body has a function and they are all inter-related.
It appears that chronic illness can be the end of a chain reaction that links back to stress, grief, fear or anger.
These states have physical consequences that affect the gut the and results in the system having difficulty processing the germs, toxins etc. This can put any function in your body out of balance over time.
From all accounts, I was perfectly healthy when I suddenly got Environmental Illness or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. I looked very fit, I ate organic. Yet, one day people’s perfumes serisouly bothered me. MCS or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is very serious debilitating and life threatening chronic illness. I did not understand that it was probably long term stress had been weakining me for many years. This gave the toxic exposure I experienced an open door as my metabolism was not in good detoxing shape.
EVERYTHING you can do for your health and wellbeing will help you heal chronic illness.
The emotional/mental state is as important as reducing toxins, eating superfoods. Spending time in nature, taking up martial arts, yoga or other physical activities can help immesnsley.
Another key factor in learning how to heal chronic illness can be a tiny thing like the lack of a particular minerals or from an irritating toxin. Its really difficult to find the ‘why’, but to heal is to be as healthy as possible in every area.
When I was sick, I spent hours reading about candida, parasites, the liver, eliminating toxins etc. For months, I furiously tried to understand how to eliminate parasites and candida. I spent my dsys in detoxing & constant colon cleansing. While I do think all of that cleaning and eating was beneficial. It was not the cure. I was in a constant battle against them. They were formidable foes and all I could find online were other ill people who could not get rid of their parasites and chronic illnes.
This community of ill and desperte people started to make me feel really depressed.
I felt like “Everything is toxic and the goverment is trying to kill us. ” Those were dark times.
After a long time of desperately trying to heal my Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, I realized that if my body was in balance and strong, then it can keep the parasites and candida under control. So I stopped worrying about it so much, which turns out to be very healthy for my whole organism. The worry and fear associated with my chronic illness was making me sicker.
Breathing deeply, avoiding toxins and stress, exercizing, eating well and finding a way to more positive emotions is helpful in healing just about everything! Once your body gets onto a healing path, every symptom will get better at the same time. Just the oposite of when you have a chrinic condition and it seems like many parts of heath & wellbeing are getting worse.
This mind/body healing path that I discovered on my journey actually brought me to a state of health, happiness and prosperity .As a result, I have more energy, am more relaxed and happy and more healthy than ever before. I healed my brain, body, emotions and spirit all at the same time and now my body can handle toxins better than the average person. I never even notice all of the smells that used to make me really ill. The process to heal chrinic illness is unique to every person. Follow anything that makes you feel better, physically, emotionally & mentally and your body will get into a healing state.
A few keys to healing:
increasing minerals
having more fun
yoga or martial arts
any exercize you like
grounding in nature
breathing more deeply
finding nicer friends etc
They increase your health and the body begins to heal and rebuild.
Author of Detox With Ease, I do some Wellness Coaching & MCS Help too