Many say that Far Infrared Sauna is the best-known way to remove toxins from the fat cells. In fact, it seems to be the only way to remove some of the toxins which are stored in the fat.
Fat is protecting your other organs from toxic damage by storing toxins for you. Getting rid of toxins and fat mass happens at the same time. Fat loss is a wonderful benefit of sauna detoxing.
My recovery from severe MCS involved doing steam sauna at the gym 4 times a week for many months. Steam sauna is great, but Infrared if you have access, is even better. The red light penetrates and releases toxins more deeply and effectively than the heat by itself.
I am not sure that FIR sauna is so much better than a traditional sauna. People charging $25-100 to sit in their sauna is kind of ridiculous. I think Infrared may be hype. I am sure they are good and possibly better than a steam sauna, but I like my steam sauna at the gym.
I like the feel of the heat and feel safe and comfortable being able to feel the heat, which is not the same as the FIR sauna.
Some of these portable saunas have very toxic materials that off-gas when heated. I had a cheap one that made me feel sick to use. I actually bought a “certified non-toxic” sauna from sunlighten and it was so very very toxic! I called one of the agents and he said that his”wife left it for 2 months in the basement to off-gas”. She didn’t even have MCS and could not use it. I have copies of their certification and its not non-toxic at all.
Frankly, even being recovered from MCS, I would not get into one of those little silver saunas. There is no way to know what kind of toxins are in that material. Its all chemical and from China. I think it is better to make some steam in the shower, exercise or just spend some time outdoors in the heat.
The body wants to detox and will do it with a little help from whatever means are available to you. Sweating, by any means, is a great detox! It gets mercury, metals, BPA and many toxins out of your body. XOX
Here is a well priced FIR SAUNA ON AMAZON