Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is also called ‘Toxic Encephalopathy’
If you have MCS you understand that telling people that you have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is almost like saying “I am a huge pain in the a** and go around pretending everything makes me sick so I can get attention and control others”, so use Toxic Encephalopathy which is the official term.
Wiki article on Toxic Encephalophy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_encephalopathy. Its is the same as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, but accepted by the American Medical Association. MCS is not an official illness in the US, because here, we think a daily bath of chemicals is just fine and no one wants to talk more about it! If there were acknowledgment that common chemicals are bad for you, then major companies would be liable for making people sick and most products would be pulled from the shelves.
So a name we can use when talking about MCS, Environmental illness and ‘chemical sensitivities’ is ‘Toxic Encephalopathy’. It sounds like something exotic and rare that you might be born with, or some strange thing that happens to you. It doesn’t implicate chemicals, so it is acceptable.
They say that the brain and other organs damage is not usually curable. The treatment is nutrition, supplements and counseling (so that you don’t off your self because your life is so nightmarish now)! For those of us who have recovered, we know it takes more than nutrition and supplements. It takes a whole revamp and rebuilding of the environment/mind/body/spirit. The brain and nerves can recover! Mine did. I am sharper now than I have been for decades. The brain and body have incredible healing abilities! It usually takes a lot of effort; but its worth it! The medical establishment calls the body permanently damaged if they can’t find a conventional treatment for it.
Instead of MCS use Toxic Encephalopathy. You will probably get some sympathy, understanding and perhaps even some help when you explain that you have brain and organ damage.
Be Well!
I do non-toxic living, ideas for MCS and wellness coaching