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Unmasking the Hidden Link: How Autism and Chemical Sensitivity Converge in Overwhelming Sensory Realities

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Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) felt like facing an onslaught of toxic assaults. Imagine experiencing Chanel perfume as if someone sprayed a bug killer directly in your face. This was my reality, and through my journey of recovery, I’ve unearthed a hidden connection that ties autism and these sensitivities together. Let me share my insights with you, with the help of GPT, through this concise blog post.

~ The original more detailed version that I wrote is below if you are interested.

Of the things that characterize Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a 100 to 1000 times more ability to smell toxins than the average person. I realize that this ultrasensitivity is also predominant in autistic people.

Sensitivity Beyond the Norm

For years, I grappled with MCS and Electromagnetic Frequency Sensitivity (EMFS). My hypersensitive nervous system amplified my sense of smell, making the world a whirlwind of chemical scents, most of which were neurotoxic. If you haven’t experienced it, it might sound odd, but reacting to neurotoxins is a serious matter.

Finding the Overlap

In my exploration, I noticed a striking parallel between MCS and autism. Both conditions involve heightened sensitivities. Just as I could detect the faintest whiff of chemicals, many individuals on the autism spectrum possess amplified sensory experiences. It was as if we shared a unique wiring that magnified our perceptions.

The Ripple Effect

My MCS journey led me to understand that my environment mattered immensely. Scents, chemicals, and even electromagnetic radiation affected not just me, but those around me, including autistic individuals. Their behavior shifted with the environmental triggers that set off my sensitivities. A simple laundry detergent scent could turn a calm moment into a tantrum.

The Culprits: Neurotoxins

“Fresh-scented” products might sound pleasant, but they often contain neurotoxins. These substances, designed for prolonged release, linger in the air and cling to surfaces. The formulated “sticky particles”  stick to our noses, lungs, and skin, affecting our health. Think of them as invisible foes compromising your well-being.

The Path to Healing

Recovery from MCS was my mission, and nature played a pivotal role. Grounding in natural surroundings helped calm my overworked nervous system. I ventured outdoors barefoot, even in winter, desperate for wellness. Over time, holistic practices like red light therapy, grounding, and a high-fat, low-carb diet contributed to my healing.

Empower Yourself and Others

Toxins lurk everywhere, but there are practical steps to reduce their impact. I compiled my insights into a user-friendly book, available on Amazon. The power to create change lies in small, manageable adjustments. By minimizing exposure to harmful substances and electromagnetic radiation, you can foster a healthier environment.

Spreading Awareness

Understanding the intricate connection between heightened sensitivities and autism is vital. The hypersensitivity of the autistic nervous system is often misunderstood by those who don’t share it. It’s crucial to educate the world about these overlapping conditions, especially within the autistic community.


As we navigate a world abundant in chemical pollutants and electromagnetic radiation, acknowledging the intersection between autism and heightened sensitivities becomes paramount. By sharing our experiences and insights, we can collectively foster environments that nurture everyone’s well-being. Let’s collaborate to spread awareness, reduce toxins, and create a safer, healthier world for us all.

Chat with me, Author of Detox with Ease

I am available for non-medical chats



Bullet points:

#1  autistic people are highly sensitive in different areas and neurotoxic chemicals cause many reactions number to Neuro toxic chemicals are in our environment and almost no one knows anything about them. 

#2  there are definite ways that you can help yourself or your artistic loved ones suffer less emotional and physical reactions

#4  please spread the word about this to everyone you know in any autistic Unity to spread awareness.

When I had multiple chemical sensitivity, somebody’s Chanel perfume to me would be experienced as somebody spraying raid bug killer in my face.

Years ago I discovered a hidden piece to the autism puzzle, and I wanted to share it with you now that we have a chat, GPT to help write blog posts.

I suffered from multiple chemical sensitivity(MCS) and electromagnetic frequency (EMFS), sensitivity for several years and during that time I just observed, took notes and studied. In my particular case of multiple chemical sensitivity it was I think a factor of just too much exposure to toxins plus having a very sensitive nervous system. Especially neurotoxins, would cause a reaction and me. Almost all chemical smells that you smell even if you think it smells nice our neurotoxic. I have asked many neurologist over the years if they knew what a neurotoxin is and they did not. If it doesn’t affect you you’re not gonna notice it. It sounds crazy it sounds neurotic, but if you react to a neurotoxin, you know it’s very serious and very important..

Really I think it was a fried nervous system.  Of the things that characterizes multiple chemical sensitivity is a 100 to 1000 times more ability to smell things than the average person. I realize that this ultrasensitivity or heightened senses is also predominant in autistic people.

I could walk into a restaurant and tell you what floor and what cleaner they use their floor with not only that it was kind of making my throat close up a little bit and making me irritable and want to leave. If you had a tea light candle lit in the corner of a room, I can tell you was it a soy candle was it a wax candle? Was it a petroleum candle and this was an unscented candle if it was a scented candle. Even today I am healed of multiple chemical sensitivity, but I’m not gonna stay too long in a room with chemically scented.

I was very sick and couldn’t go out the house even for a few years because I was so hyper sensitive to chemicals that the smallest amount of shampoo or a bar of soap would really make me feel bad if not, give me an asthma, attack or a full out flight fight or flight reaction and just a feeling of being sick. It’s hard to describe a reaction to toxins, but if you’ve had one, you know what it feels like many people just get headaches other people get irritable. Some people have a fight or flight reaction. Many people just get tired other people have any other kind of reactions I’ve heard of so many different ones over the years, including different kinds of pains, anaphylactic shock rashes so many things but for me, it was mostly about the nervous system and the lungs. Also in my lungs were sensitive to any kind of fun lung irritant that was of a chemical nature

So I had to I have a Facebook page that’s 10 years old and I have a YouTube channel and a blog. I studied and did self experiments for many years and that’s how I managed to get well. I am a very observant person, and I found my path to healing along the way I noticed there was a lot of overlap with autistic individuals. A lot of mothers were on my Facebook page talking about how their kids or sensitive to toxins. Not only that I had a few autistic children in my life at that time and I could notice whenever I would start two cents a toxin in the environment. I would notice the kids behavior also changing. At that time, the only place that I would go out to as my belly dance class and I could also tell if somebody had on too much perfume or if there was some kind of toxin coming through the vent from the business next-door I would notice it and it would hurt me, but I started to notice that other people to people were tired people weren’t smiling, people with asthma would go get their inhalers. But realized that it wasn’t just me, but that everybody i was being affected.

A child may not want to be with a certain member of the family or another child because their laundry detergent or shampoo is really irritating their nervous system. When I had MCS, I could not be around many people, and I would want to get as far away from them as I could get. Try to notice this with your autistic child or yourself,you think you don’t like the person, but what you don’t like is their shampoo

In my journey to recovery, I realize that myself, and most of the people who are showing up on my Facebook Page and YouTube channel were also hyper sensitive in many other ways. There’s a thing called HSP highly sensitive person and I realize that I was that and also that many of us in this predicament were also highly sensitive people. There was a time that a therapist suggested that I had autism so I went and studied a little bit and it did seem to have a lot of overlap with who I was. I am an artist and I realize that I see hundreds of colors while other people the usual person just sees seven colors I thought everyone was in my world, where there was such gradations and everything.

Back when I had multiple chemical sensitivity, my world was really like a nightmare. I really couldn’t go anywhere because somebody’s shampoo whatever they clean the floor with even just having too much plastics in the environment would make me feel very ill and create a chemical sensitivity reaction. I healed from it and in the course of my healing I will detail a little bit below because a lot of it had to do with calming the nervous system.

I am not any kind of a health professional, and I don’t know that much about autistic people, but I did notice this and I’ve always wanted to let people know about this because I think it’s extremely important. If you have an autistic child and you have a plugin, are cooking with aluminum pots have scented candles around the house, or even are burning regular candles, which are made from petroleum. This could be what’s causing the child to be upset. I observe this many times. A kid could be very relaxed and happy and then all of a sudden get into a tantrum out of nowhere, and I would notice oh, it’s because this person came in the room, and they had on our laundry detergent and fabric softener in your clothes, which was highly neurotoxic.

Why are “FRESH SCENT” substances hurting your nervous system?

These are neurotoxins and the reason that they really bother you is because they are designed to be long lasting. They are designed like this,  they have something called the fixative, which has many sticky particles, the sticky particles stick inside of your nose inside of your lungs, on your hair on your clothes  and any surface that they come in contact with. That’s why you come in smelling like fresh scent the longer it lasts the more toxic. A few highly sensitive peopleare sensitive to scents which aren’t even to but strong essential oils, and what not. So substance like petroleum, candle, or cooking with aluminum are not designed with sticky particles, but yeah, they get into the air and are breathed in through the nose and the lungs.

When I had multiple chemical sensitivity, I pretty much wore organic clothing all the time which I would wash a few times in baking soda to get rid of any toxins that were used in processing or shipping. I could really feel all of the other toxic materials on my skin, and my skin was rejecting it. I personally feel that I had too many toxins in my body, and my nervous system was so fried that my body was protecting me from being around more of these substances that I need to be I did heal my body and my nervous system to a degree where I can live a totally normal life without being affected by these toxins that said, once you learn, why is everybody putting carcinogens and toxins on their body and in their environment you realize that is really not necessary and in very very few cases making your life better or easier.

I wrote a very simple easy to read book only 90 pages that tells you so many ways to get toxins out of your environment and out of your body. Anyone can do my book because it’s all about cutting down in anyway that you can and an easy ways it’s available here on Amazon. This is my website detox the body where you can also find my YouTube channel and Amazon shop.

Did many things in order to heal, and one of the most significant was grounding in nature I spent a lot of time outdoors with my shoes off. Even in winter, because I was very sick and desperate to get well and I did whatever I had to do a granny nature is one of the most significant I did not even talk about EMF us electro, magnetic frequency, sensitivity, but I could tell if I walked in your house where was your router? I could also tell where was your cleaning supply closet. It was a while that I couldn’t go out to parties because I could feel everyone’s cell phone in their pockets and it was really stressing out my nervous system. And also making my cheeks red and giving me headaches and what not amazingly I am not electro magnetic sensitive anymore. I try to remember to turn off my Wi-Fi at night and turn the Wi-Fi off on my phone but since I can’t sense it I forget and it doesn’t seem important to me however, electromagnetic radiation is good to minimize whenever you can that’s another subject, but it could be very much affecting you. You’re autistic, children and your friends and everything. Part of how I healed was doing some self hypnosis to change my frequency so that my frequency would match and be able to handle all of the electromagnetic radiation that I live in on a daily basis here in Washington DC. It seem to work a lot of therapies I made up on my own because there was zero help for multiple chemical sensitivity and I have not found anyone who had ever recover from it at that time. Therapies like craniosacral therapy different kinds of meditations a lot of mind body healing techniques helped a lot of people when I was sick. I could not afford a lot of them. Now, consider myself fortunate that I could not afford naturopaths and special treatments, because I had to make up my own, and what I discovered is that the very most effective treatments are free or very low cost red light therapy is amazing. I have red light devices in my Amazon shop grounding is amazing doing breath. Work is incredible. Getting toxins out of your environment is great alkalizing your system is amazing. I started to eat a very high fat, low carb diet some years ago out of pure instinct I find that Creative really intelligent and highly sensitive. People really need a lot of brain fuel and as far as I understand fats are amazing brain fuel. I’ll eat almost minimal carbs and no sugar and I feel really great. My brain is amazing. My nervous system is amazing. I feel good. My mood is steady. I think that the sugars in the carbs in the diet is really hurting people. This is something that takes a while to change you can’t just be like I’m not gonna eat sugar anymore. I have a very good video on how to get her off of sugars basically eating a lot of high fats and high protein is going to fill you up so you don’t have your blood sugar spiking all over the place or you need to eat sugar also, taking a few herbs or oregano oil that might help you to cut down on your parasites because the parasites in your body are eating the sugar. I could go on forever, but I am very busy and this isn’t even my job at all. I have a completely other career. I do offer chatting on the phone completely non-medical advice, but you can chat with me ask me questions and see what I did, and I definitely am good at helping you reduce your toxic environment and people don’t know this stuff and the reason I know it is because you know any little tea light that was made from petroleum would really make me sick and even when I work got sick, it took me quite a long time to figure out by a process of eliminating one by one what things made me sick. I live in a very amazing, non-toxic environment and I feel good and I noticed that the children with autism or reacting to the same things that I was.

If you are an autism, influencer, writer, or what not I will talk to you for free if you credit me in your book or whatever because I really want this message to get out I think it’s very very important. I think the sensitivity of the autistic nervous system is something that few people understand because they do not have it. If you are a very successful researcher, Dr. professional, you probably have a very strong and resistant nervous system and that’s how you could easily make it to the top of your career. That’s why all these doctors look at you like you’re nuts when you talk about this stuff. If it doesn’t come up in a scientific study, they don’t know about it and it does not exist. It will probably be 10 years before any scientific studies happen about this multiple chemical sensitivity is still considered a controversial diagnosis in America by the NIH and the American medical association. Those of us who suffer from this illness we know that it is not at all controversial. We are not making it up to get attention, or to get free money from the government. 

Bullet points:

#1  autistic people are highly sensitive in different areas and neurotoxic chemicals cause many reactions number to Neuro toxic chemicals are in our environment and almost no one knows anything about them. 

#2  there are definite ways that you can help yourself or your artistic loved ones suffer less emotional and physical reactions

#4  please spread the word about this to everyone you know in any autistic Unity to spread awareness.