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How to Heal the Lungs and Lung Conditions

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How to heal the lungs, MCS , Asthma, Copd

How to Heal the Lungs.

I healed my chronic asthma and lung problems. You too can learn how to heal the lungs safely and low or no cost. {This is not medical advice, if  a doctor can help you, please apply that}

As a result of my Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, I developed asthma, chronic cough and lung pain. At this point in my life I was very fit and did hard cardio exercise every day.  My chemical sensitivity came on suddenly & was severe. One day I was doing Zumba and almost stopped breathing. It turns out it was asthma. After that,  I always felt I was starving for oxygen. I went to a lung specialist who seemed to think I was fine and sent me home with an inhaler. I felt like I was a hundred year old smoker.


So, on my on I eventually healed the asthma and chronic cough. Some year later, my lungs are very well but still sensitive to cigarette smoke and other lung irritants.

* Breathing exercises are great for healing the lungs. The lungs are a detox organ & eliminate toxins with each exhalation. Furthermore, if you are alive,  the ribs are not calcified and expanding your chest allows for more flexibility and increased oxygen intake capacity.

*The herbs  Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Mullein, Rosemary, Oregano & Plantain herbs used to heal the lungs.

* Detox, by eliminating chemicals and lung irritants, enables the lungs  to heal.

*All things that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system are healing for the lungs. This gets more oxygen into the blood, slows the breathing & tones the vagus nerve which is important for the lungs. Also, because Stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system through yoga, meditation etc is healing to all of the organs.

*Get rid of clutter & dust from your home, this is very irritating to the lungs.

*Use plants that clean the air and provide oxygen (see article)

*Clear your home of plastics and other unnecessary toxins that add to indoor air pollution.

*Heal PTSD and any kind of chronic fear, anxiety & stress which causes shallow breathing.

*Alkalize your body with baking soda, apple cider vinegar, lemons &/or change of diet, because in the alkaline state the blood gets more oxygenated.


Try these clear and simple healing methods. I tried them until they worked. Not only did my lungs heal, but my health, vitality and well-being improved as a result of these changes. My asthma and other lung problems were caused by everyday toxins & chronic stress. The meditation , yoga and neural retraining (changing my thoughts) has so many great added benefits.

It took me some months to slowly  discover how to heal the lungs begin to recover.  I still practice and improve upon my health and lung capacity as a part of my daily routine. I got rid of the inhaler, cough and pain 2 years ago.

Healing can take time, keep at it until you reach your goal!

Health and happiness to you! Click here for video


My book Detox With Ease is very easy to read and has very helpful tips for you to permanently reduce your toxic lad by 90%. Real detox is education and not binge fasts and cleanses.


Try my Yoga and meditation classes or get non0-medical telephone consultation with me . Click here for more information